Home » PAIN – “I AM” (2024, NUCLEAR BLAST)


by MythofRock

Pain is a band that sparked the interest of the scene as soon as they released their first album in 1997 and since then, their presence has only gotten bigger and bigger. Started as Peter Tägtgren’s personal project, it has stayed true to its values and identity all through the years. Their ninth full length album titled “I Am” is what we’re going to be focusing on today. The Swedish band’s heavy metal core mixes with electronic, techno and industrial sounds, making for a very interesting listen. A very nostalgic feeling will flood you while listening to “I Am”. As I found, it takes you back to the 2000’s with the echoey keyboards and catchy drums, rhythms and choruses, all while keeping a metal sounding undertone. The vocals are of great importance in my opinion, as they bind the result and make for a beautiful composition. Intricate, yet catchy and using many techniques, we can tell right from the start that we are listening to a very well-seasoned frontman. Pain has managed to create a concept, mixing both metal and techno, which cracked the code for a lot of people, as it is something that the vast majority of listeners can appreciate. For me, it’s definitely a creation that takes you back in time, while also adding the touch of current releases. Brilliant songwriting that definitely captures the vibe it’s trying to portray.

♦ 7/10

Christina X

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