by MythofRock

A trans-Atlantic space (rock)/experimental orchestra made up of 16 or so independent musicians, led by guitarist/keyboardist/composer Greg Jarvis … This is the main description of The Flowers of Hell that you can find on the internet. And that description is accurate! Because The Flowers of Hell is a space (rock) group, which experiments and jams, creating real masterpieces of psychedelic/space/kraut (rock) music. One of these masterpieces is “Keshakhtaran”, which comes as a rich, monumental meditation to our ears. If someone didn’t give me the necessary info about this album, I would say it is a lost album of the kraut rock era, a rare album of an obscure experimental 70s band, which was found and is now finally released! But no! This album was released a few months ago, in the year 2023, and it is the original work of a space orchestra, which landed on earth and offers us its unique language. I am so excited with this two-track album (it contains “Kashakhtaran Part 1” and “Kashakhtaran Part 2”, with a total duration of 42 minutes approximately), since it took me on a magic trip and blew my mind! I feel I was abducted by an alien spaceship and am travelling through distant stars. We are talking about a fantastic, exceptional work of psychedelic art, which will play tricks with your mind. Clsoe your eyes, breathe deep and experience “Kashakhtaran”, this strange space/kraut/electro/drone/psychedelic opus, which has nothing to envy from the relevant albums of the 70s!

♦ 8/10

Dimitris Zacharopoulos



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