by MythofRock

If our dreams were accompanied by a soundtrack, it would undoubtedly be the wonderful, mesmerizing melodies of Karamelien‘s songs. The brainchild of accomplished UK-based singer-songwriter Léanie Kaleido and guitarist Mark Foster, Karamelien presents a captivating blend of indie pop, skillfully crafted with rare artistry and a distinctive touch. “Living with the Moon” unfolds as a celestial journey, inviting listeners to explore uncharted territories of brilliant pop infused with elements of folk, blues, ’60s rock n’ roll, hip hop, and psychedelia. From the initial notes to the final crescendo, the album resonates with an incredible sonic tapestry, with Léanie Kaleido’s unique voice taking center stage. The guitar work complements the experience beautifully, creating a sonic web of low tempos and melancholic undertones that captivate the listener. “Living with the Moon” is not just an album; it’s a seamless river of music that refuses to let you grow weary. Each track shines brightly, and the melodies are irresistibly catchy. You may listen to the title track, to “Digital Imogen” and to “Wait For Me” and you will understand the quality, the worth of this album. This musical odyssey becomes the soundtrack to our dreams, an ethereal collection of enchanting indie pop that evokes both smiles and tears. Karamelien has masterfully crafted an album that transcends mere auditory experience, immersing its audience in a dreamy soundscape that lingers in the heart and mind. I have the best impressions from Karamelien and I am already looking forward to their next album!

♦ 8/10

Dimitris Zacharopoulos

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