by MythofRock

Progressive rock is a genre that has gone through a lot of ups and downs, golden and dark eras, points of zenith and nadir… however, it is still alive, it is still here active, full of bands and albums. One of these interesting bands is of course The Mighty Bard, a progressive rock band from Aylesbury, UK. They are described as a band of epic, classic progressive rock … indeed, The Mighty Bard is a traditional prog rock band, which draws its inspiration from the big prog rock bands of the 70s – in their new album, you will listen to the sounds that were made popular in the 70s by Genesis, Yes, Pink Floyd, Camel, Renaissance, etc. The Mighty Bard continue what they had started with their debut (“Blue God and Other Stories”, 2014), however, they are more intense now, more deep and clear in what they are offering. If their debut was something nice, this new instalment is a small masterpiece! Yes, the English band has crafted a diamond of genuine 70s prog rock, which has melodies, great melodies as its solid base and emotions as its basic hooks. Because The Mighty Bard’s songs are so much emotional, dramatic and ethereal, with an evocative atmosphere, which will haunt your soul. You will smile and cry with “Beyond The Gate”, you will be touched and moved, you will feel with this album. Complex but immediate, perplexed but simple, epic and poetic, “Beyond The Gate” will get you beyond music boundaries. This is true art, these are magical soundscapes that we all need to visit. The Mighty Bard have done their miracle!

♦ 8/10

Dimitris Zacharopoulos



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