by MythofRock

Greek guitar icon Gus G (solo, Firewind, ex-Ozzy Osbourne) has announced that he will soon release his new solo album. It will be titled “Quantum Leap” and it will be out on October 8th, 2021, via AFM Records.

Gus discussed his upcoming album in a new video message posted to his YouTube channel. He said: “It’s my first all-instrumental solo album. So this means there’s no vocals at all, no guest singers; it’s just me and my guitar. You’ve already heard a couple of the singles. The first one was called ‘Exosphere’; it came out in April. And the second one was called ‘Fierce’, which we made a pretty hilarious video for. I hope you checked it out. There’s gonna be a third single coming out at the end of August for another song, which is totally different; it’s not metal at all”. And he continued: “I’m really excited about this album. It was about time that I stepped up and did a full-on instrumental guitar album. A lot of people have been asking me and pushing me to do this. And to be honest, I always turned it down. But I think the recent situation with the pandemic and the fact that everybody, we all had to stay locked in in our houses and we went through months of quarantine and lockdown, that kind of sparked ideas and got me to… Music was my only gateway, basically, so that’s what I did; I just made songs. I couldn’t fly to another country and meet with other musicians and do pre-production or anything like that, so I just decided to write stuff on my own and just make a guitar album. There’s a lot of cool stuff on there — different stuff. Obviously, my style is all over the place. I tried to push the envelope a little bit and explore some new things”. 

Gus also referred to the musicians that play in “Quantum Leap”: “I have two amazing players with me on the record. One of them you already know. It’s Dennis Ward [Pink Cream 69, Unisonic]. Dennis has worked with me in the past. We’ve worked together the past five years, actually. We’ve done two Firewind albums together. He’s been co-producing and co-writing with me. And also my previous solo record, ‘Fearless’, he played bass and he sang. He’s a great singer. He’s a multi-talented guy. He mixed and mastered the record and also played bass on most of the songs. I played bass on a couple of the tracks. I also did the keyboards. And I also have a great drummer from England, [Jan-]Vincent Velazco. He’s great. He plays amazingly. You already heard him on the first two singles”.


“Into The Unknown”
“Quantum Leap”
“Enigma Of Life”
“Judgement Day”
“Demon Stomp”
“Night Driver”
“Not Forgotten”
“Force Majeure” (feat. Vinnie Moore)

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