by MythofRock

Blax is a gothic rock band from Italy and “Meravilia” is its debut album. When I got this album in my hands, I really didn’t know what to expect, but “Meravilia” truly exceeded my expectations! The Italians present a sound of their own, which starts from gothic rock and transcends the boundaries of other genres such as industrial rock, alternative rock and hard rock/metal. For example, while listening to the songs of this debut, many bands crossed my mind, such as Rammstein, The 69 Eyes and Marilyn Manson. Blax managed to take all these elements and form something original and unique. They don’t reinvent the wheel, but they give their personal touch to the gothic rock genre. Apart from that, Blax has gathered many fresh, beautiful ideas and offers us a bunch of songs, which prove to be straightforward and catchy. Songs like “Rules of Meravilia”, “Shady Life”, “Eva’s Eden”, “You” and “My White Widow” are earworms and wait to be discovered! I like very much the vocals and the vocal lines, the guitar work is more than satisfactory and melodies are sweeping. Blax makes a music proposal, which should be taken in consideration. The band’s musicianship and songwriting skills are not easily met in the worldwide scene, so, everyone should check Blax and its “Meravilia” album. I am already looking forward to their next album, as I am sure they will bring us another, even better, record – till then, “Meravilia” will be on the top of the playlist!

♦ 8,5

Dimitris Zacharopoulos


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