by MythofRock

What a lovely record! What a sweet sweet sound from Wild Remedy! And what mellow melodies are these! Wild Remedy is an all female band, an indie folk trio, which comes to haunt us with the beautiful songs that are included in this EP. Musical wise, they blend pop music with folk elements and produce an alternative sound that defies categorization. I don’t really think that they give a damn about it, as long as they’re free and happy to make their music. I think that happy is the critical word here, as there’s a feel-good vibe in the Wild Remedy songs. You get a positive feeling listening to the music of this band, “Songs From Home” will make your day and will put a smile on your face. The acoustic guitars are so vivid, the arrangements lush and effective, the final soundscape a catharsis for every listener. This EP will soothe the pain, will take you to a dreamy, intimate dimension, will redeem your soul. Wild Remedy creates wonderful music and we should feel lucky that we have them, we should be grateful and satisfied. I am sure that if “Songs From Home” was good enough, their next, full-length release will be truly amazing.

♦ 8/10

Dimitris Zacharopoulos



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