by MythofRock

This new Sweet album is also Sweet’s last album. That’s also why it’s called “Full Circle”. So, we understand that this is a sad moment for Sweet fans, but hey, that’s how life and music is. In this final opus, Sweet present a nice face, however that is not Sweet, that is not what this legendary band meant in the realm of 70s glam rock. Let me clear things … “Full Circle” is a fine melodic rock album, with some interesting elements here and there, but Sweet never were a melodic rock, AOR or FM rock band. Yes, they always had their own hard rocking’ character, yet, they were also pompous, with a strong glam rock touch. Where is the Sweet we learnt and loved in this new, last album? I can’t find the extravagant Sweet sound in here, I can’t find the trademarks that Sweet had in their decade, the 70s. “Full Circle” could be the new album of a melodic rock band, which doesn’t stand out from the rest, a plain, common, generic rocking album. If you want to listen to some good rock songs, you can choose this album, but if you want to listen to Sweet, you should go back to their early albums. It is not a disappointing album, but also not a recommended one.

♦ 6/10

Dimitris Zacharopoulos

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