Home » Interview with SPINELESS

Interview with SPINELESS

by MythofRock

Spineless is set to perform live in Thessaloniki on January 18, 2025, presenting the critically acclaimed sophomore album, “Dysphonia. As Myth of Rock gears up for this exciting showcase of experimental rock/metal, we had the privilege of chatting with Chrysa Tsaltampasi. Dive into the insightful conversation below and discover everything Chrysa had to share with us in this exclusive interview!

by Dimitris Zacharopoulos

How did you come up with the idea of the Spineless project?

I have been writing music and lyrics since I was very young without having anything specific in mind. As I was growing up music wise, I started working on structuring my ideas. So, after I had completed almost all of the songs of my first album, I told myself “Ok, now’s the time to release it”!

Why did you select the name “Spineless” for this project?

It came very naturally as a result of the very different music styles that I like to listen to and also sing. My thought back then was that “I had to” focus somewhere in order to do things “right” and clearly I could not do it, haha!

How much different is Spineless, compared to your other projects?

All my projects are totally different from one another!

Almost two months have passed since the release of “Dysphonia” album. How do you feel now about the release of this second Spineless album?
I still cannot believe that I managed to focus on this project and take care of all the things that needed to be done in order to have the desired result, both in the studio and in a live situation. I am very happy!

Where would you trace the differences between “Dysphonia”and the debut, “Speaking of Chaos and Relative Peace”?

These albums are very different. Starting already from the titles (many words, one word) and moving on from long experimental songs with more piano parts and noises to more “structured” short songs with clear beginnings and endings.

If you had the chance to change something in the album now, what would that be?
Being a musician since, like, forever, this question came up many times, having me and other fellow musicians wondering and discussing if it’s valid or not. At the point where I am now, I’ve come to realise that I wouldn’t change anything. Not because everything is perfect. I still spot things that I would do differently. But I like to see my music as a reflection of myself at a certain timeline,where I made specific choices.I’m not willing to change that, it keeps me grounded.

If you had to define the music style of Spineless, what would you say?

I have recently started using the term experimental post metal after a lot of thinking!

Which are your main music influences?

My favourite singer of all time is Mike Patton and my favourite band is Mr. Bungle. I also love Diamanda Galas and Lisa Gerrard. During my youth I used to listen a lot to bands like Cocteau Twins, Dead Can Dance, Amorphis, The Gathering, Skunk Anansie, Guano Apes and ‘90s Techno!

Where do the lyrics of “Dysphonia” refer to?

It depends on the song but generally speaking, I am inspired by the unbelievable injustice in my country (I am coming from and currently live in Greece) and the unbearable pain that people give to each other without second thought in order to save their asses.

Which is your motto in life?

Eat like there is no tomorrow, hahaha!

How is a Spineless song composed?

Most of the times, I have complete songs with pianos and vocals and a general idea of where I want to go with this. Then I describe everything to Kostas (Verigas) and what I would like in terms of atmosphere and drum machine parts. In a magical way, when he finishes the songs, they sound exactly the way I want them to! In “Dysphonia” Kostas brought to our table the music for three songs and I’ve put melodies and vocals.

How would you describe the atmosphere of the songs of “Dysphonia”?

I would say that it’s dark and melancholic dressed up in short pop songs.

You are a renowned vocal coach. Does being a vocal coach help you in your musical endeavors?

It definitely does. By being a vocal coach, not only I have become a better singer but I have also explored my limits again and again. It has helped me in becoming more accurate with what I want to deliver, both lyrically and artistically.

You sing both clean and brutal vocals. How difficult is it to combine these different ways of singing?

Like all things in life, it takes a lot of time and practise to be able to switch techniques, especially in a live situation. Now it’s rather easy for me to do, but it wasn’t always like that. It took me years to figure out my volume and the different sounds I wanted to achieve. I am still working on this.

You are also composing soundtracks. If“Dysphonia” was a movie,what kind of movie would it be?

As long as it’s directed by David Lynch,it wouldn’t matter what kind of movie it would be, haha!

You did a “Dysphonia” release live show in Athens on November 14th 2024. What do you remember from this release live show?

It was one of the happiest nights of my life! My parents were present and it was the first time for them to see me perform. Also, many friends and students were there for me. I am still smiling!

You also opened with Sofia Sarri for Chelsea Wolfe in Athens on November 18th 2024. How was this experience?

It was awesome. Chelsea Wolfe is one of my very loved artists. I love the atmosphere that she creates, very dark and painful but in a good way. Therefore I was more than excited to open for her together with my good friend Sofia. We played at a sold out show and people were really paying attention to us. What made it so special was that we connected very well with a big audience and also with Chelsea and her band. All of them are super kind people!

How easy or difficult is it to perform the Spineless songs onstage? Why?

At the moment we are at the point, where we are trying to figure out how to be balanced as a trio on stage, which is something rather difficult. That’s because Spineless’ songs have various layers, not many per se but difficult to handle in terms of high and low frequencies. I am being optimistic for the near future though!

You are going to present “Dysphonia” live in Thessaloniki on the 18th of January 2025. How do you feel about that? Send a message to the fans in Thessaloniki.
I am so excited about this event! Mostly because I haven’t been there for a long time now, although it’s the place, where I grew up. And besides that, I am going to be together with my close friends and band mates Agnes Vein. Life is good!

What should we expect from Spineless in the future?
Hopefully new music sooner than six years! Thank you very much for your questions!

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