by MythofRock

Genres and music labels can often be predictable, making it easy to know what to expect just by looking at a tag. However, when a band defies genres and transcends boundaries, things get much more interesting. One such genre-defying band is Floating Worlds, hailing form Greece. Formed in the late ’90s and currently featuring the distinguished vocalist Jon Soti, the band is now releasing its fourth album, “Skywatcher”. The album boasts a captivating cover, but it’s the content that truly shines. Floating Worlds is unafraid to experiment and blend various musical elements, resulting in a rare and unique sound. Their latest offering is a melodic heavy rock album infused with influences from pop, disco, synth pop, AOR, prog rock, hard rock, heavy metal, prog metal, video games and OSTs. Yes, you read that correctly. The band is serious about their craft and delivers a collection of songs that are straightforward, catchy and groovy, often with an ’80s vibe. The melodies are infectious, the rhythms intense, the guitars clean and clever, the keyboards contagious and the atmosphere delicate and dainty. “Skywatcher” is poised to blow your mind with its intricate arrangements, passionate performances and witty musical character. From the opening track “Strange Kid” to the closing number “Extraterrestrial”, this album takes you on a journey—a musical odyssey and a rollercoaster ride. After a few listens, I found myself completely enamored with it. Floating Worlds has delivered a delightful surprise with this charismatic release.

♦ 8,5/10

Dimitris Zacharopoulos

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