recommended by Myth of Rock!

by MythofRock

Simone Simons’ debut solo album is certainly a breathtaking beginning to her solo releases. Known for her powerful vocals as the lead singer of Epica, Simone takes a different approach in this album, exploring a more intimate side of her artistry. “Vermillion” shows a diverse range of styles, blending elements of cinematic soundscapes, art rock and ethereal pop. The album opens with haunting, melodic tracks that build into more powerful compositions. Simone shows us that she is in fact not only an incredible vocalist, but an amazing storyteller as well. Right from the title track, the tone of the album is set as it balances orchestrations with her signature operatic vocals, but with a gentler delivery than what fans of her symphonic metal work might expect. The album’s production is polished and rich in detail. Some songs use minimalist arrangements to let Simone’s vocals shine, while others experiment more, featuring electronic elements. Lyrically, “Vermillion” touches on themes of self-reflection, transformation and the search for inner peace. Simone’s voice carries a sense of both melancholy and hope, making the album feel like a personal journey as much as it is a musical one. The album is a bold and rewarding experiment that reveals new elements of Simone Simons’ artistry. Fans of her previous work, as well as new ones, will find much to admire in this album. It’s a captivating listen that lingers long after the final notes fade.

♦ 10/10

Christina X


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