Home » Interview with STAGEWAR

Interview with STAGEWAR

by MythofRock

If you want to listen to something genuine, dirty and speedy, then Stagewar are here for you. The German band, who is serving the thrash n’ roll genre for more than 20 years, released their latest EP, “Interlude to Self-Destruction”, one year ago and is ready for many new adventures. Myth of Rock interviewed Stagewar and as it seems, Dominik Dezius (vocals, guitars) had a lot to say!

by Dimitris Zacharopoulos

Give us a short biography of Stagewar.
The band Stagewar was founded in 2003. There have been a few line-up changes in our history. But only a few. Kimon (guitars) and I met as teenagers in the local school band. We had similar taste in music and we both liked Nirvana and Metallica. So, we really wanted to start a band together. At the beginning we had a band called The Merciless and later Toxin. Before that, Kimon had a band and I had a band with our first drummer at the time. We then got together and became Stagewar. Remember, we were teenagers with no money, so we first recorded cheap demos. And we spent the money we had on parties. At the end of 2011 our debut album came out and Josef, our drummer, joined the band. That was a quick summary of how it all started.

How many albums (EPs and LPs) have you released until now? Can you make us a presentation of your discography?
We recorded some demos back then. After that we released three full lengths and an EP.
But in between we also released a 7″ split vinyl with a band called Can Calix. But you can find everything on our homepage (www.stagewar.com). Our current release is the EP “Interlude to Self-destruction”.

How do you see this EP now? Which was the feedback from the critics and the fans towards this EP?
Every publication is of course a contemporary testimony. It wasn’t that long ago, but I enjoy listening to the EP. I don’t know what happened here, but I find it very special. I am very pleased that we received a lot of positive feedback.

Did you tour in support of the “Interlude to Self-Destruction” EP?
Unfortunately that was a little difficult. Not everything has started again due to Covid-19. We also wanted to focus on new songwriting and look forward. As with our last album, the promo was unfortunately a bit lost. But we will definitely change that in the future.

Have you started writing music and lyrics for your next album? If yes, how do they sound? When should we expect the release of your next album?
I’m actually always writing. Whether it’s for the next release or not. But yes, the material for a new album is ready and we are currently in the recording process. Difficult to say what the new stuff sounds like. Less dark for me personally. Our songwriting has of course changed and developed over the years. Just like us as humans.

Who is the main composer (music and lyrics) in Stagewar? How is usually a Stagewar song composed?
There is no simple answer to the question. Each of us gives what he can for the band. Dominik (vocals, guitars) often already has finished ideas for music and lyrics. These are often arranged before we record them as a demo. In my opinion there is no patent for a typical song. Once we find something that stays in your ear, the song usually builds around it. Stagewar songs are of course guitar based. The standard order of verse and chorus is of course given. But the transitions, pauses, key changes etc. make the songs spicy for me. And of course, the personal connection to the songs. Either packaged in a story or in rhymes, the important thing is that it is honest.

How would you define your sound?
Our sound is live and honest. What you hear is exactly how it´s played. We are a classic rock band. Personally, I don’t chase the perfect tone, I just try to write good songs and have fun with it.

Which are your key influences?
Phew… that changes or complements itself every day. Personally, I grew up listening to Metallica, AC/DC, Aerosmith, Van Halen, Kiss and so on. But every day I discover new bands and artists that inspire me. Children of Bodom is playing right now. But I’m actually pretty rock influenced. But that also has to do with the fact that I just like guitars. But I can also watch a film or read something in the news that inspires me to write a text. Inspiration is everywhere.

Where do your lyrics refer to?
Almost all of our texts have a personal connection. It may not always be obvious, but it shouldn’t be at first glance. But if you take a moment and read or listen to the lyrics, I’m sure you’ll understand what the song is about. For example, the song “Interlude to Self-Destruction” is about the time you waste until you’re finally dead. Pointless work, TV, couch, eating, dying.

Which feelings of yours do you express through Stagewar’s music and lyrics?
All. Music can and may do anything.

You have a great experience in playing live! How is a usual concert of Stagewar? What should we expect from a Stagewar live show?
Don’t expect anything or you’ll be disappointed. But, if you have the chance to see us live, come along and have fun. I think you can expect that. That’s what I expect from a concert. But I love sharing energy with people. These are special moments at the concerts.

Which were some of your best concerts with Stagewar until now? Why?
There were so many good moments. For example, I remember a concert in Pizen in the Czech Republic. It was a cool location. We did stage diving including our guitars. The evening was legendary. But I also remember a bus ride through the Italian mountains after the concert with an incredible party. Actually, every concert has something special and no two concerts are the same.

“Interlude to Self-Destruction” was released via Bellaphon Records. Are you still in this label? Are they going to release your new album too?
We can’t answer that at the moment. Bellaphon has worked well with us but we’re not there yet.

Being a seasoned band with so many releases and concert experience, which would be your advice to all the young bands, who try to be successful?

If you want to be successful, don’t ask us 🙂 Don’t listen too much to others and play as much as you can. Don’t wait for something to happen. If you want something to change, you have to actively do something. I think this doesn’t just apply to working in a band, but in general.

Which are your plans for the near future of Stagewar?
Basically the plans always remain the same. We want to make music, record new music and then play it live. But of course, we are also planning video shoots and new cabling in the rehearsal room. We currently have a lot of construction sites that we are all gradually working through. I can tell you, add us on YouTube, then you shouldn’t miss anything important. Maybe Instagram too.

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