by MythofRock

In the year 2024, rock/metal operas aren’t so in fashion, however, no one can deny that often some really nice rock/metal operas are released, even in our times. After “Goditha”, Elina Englezou and Bob Katsionis are back with a new release, “Captain Hawk: Ghosts of the Sea”. Yes, it is a marvelous, fascinating metal opera, which waits to be discovered. Myth of Rock, mesmerized by this magnificent concept work, came in contact with Elina, who kindly answered all our questions and helped us understand all the aspects of this new metal opera!

by Dimitris Zacharopoulos

How do you feel now that “Captain Hawk: Ghosts of the Sea” is released?

Very excited and very happy because during these two months since Captain Hawk was released we received so many excellent reviews and so much support from metal fans that all this was beyond our expectations.

If you had to compare musically “Goditha” and “Captain Hawk: Ghosts of the Sea”, where would you trace the differences?

I think they are different. Although in both operas one will recognize similarities in the style of songwriting, the polyphonic parts, the folk instruments, the mood is totally different. “Goditha” is melancholic and “Captain Hawk” is very entertaining.

What inspired the transition from “Goditha” to “Captain Hawk: Ghosts of the Sea” in terms of theme and narrative? How did the idea for a metal opera centered on a piratic story come about?

I spent a lot of time near the sea and I had images with ships and pirates. When you write music and songs you don’t need much more to get you started. Inspiration will soon kick in.

Can you walk us through the creative process behind “Captain Hawk,” from conception to completion?

It wasn’t very difficult this time because I had learned a lot of things making “Goditha”. Like how to set and approach each scene musically, how to arrange all the things that needed to be done, when and how to record etc. When I finished my part of the album and the recordings with all the singers and musicians I gave the project to Bob Katsionis to arrange, perform his parts and mix it and worked on the artwork and videos in parallel.

How was your cooperation with Bob Katsionis this time?

Like always Bob knows better because he is very experienced so I trusted him and left a lot of things up to him without interfering in his work. The result rewarded us both.

What were the challenges you faced in bringing the story of “Captain Hawk” to life musically?

Everything was easy this time. The most challenging thing was writing and especially recording the choral parts. There were about 40 singers in Fantasy Choir and we had to set up our equipment in a theatre and set individual microphones for everyone so you can imagine the load of vocal tracks I went home with in the end. That was a lot of work.

Are there any historic rock/metal operas do you admire? Do you like concept albums?

I love metal operas. I adore Avantasia, Ayreon. I also admire “Quadrophenia”, an old rock opera by The Who, but also I love musicals. “Jekyll and Hyde” is on the top of my list.

How did you approach the selection and collaboration with the guest Greek vocalists featured on the album?

There are so many talented vocalists in Greece, you can’t possibly choose. However when I approached the 7 particular performers this time I had in mind the characters and how I would like them to be presented vocally. We have collaborated again in the past with all of them so I knew exactly what great performances they would give.

“Captain Hawk” features a blend of power metal and theatrical elements. How did you balance these elements to create a cohesive musical experience?

That is all Bob Katsionis work. He was in charge of this balance between power metal, folk, epic and symphonic elements and he did a great job!

What do you hope listeners take away from the experience of listening to “Captain Hawk: Ghosts of the Sea”?

I hope they get the feeling that they are on this ship along with all the pirates, sailing from one adventure to the other. I hope to carry them away from whatever is on their mind.

What do you find most rewarding about working on a project as elaborate and ambitious as a metal opera?

-There aren’t many people interested in metal operas and theatrical concept albums as such. So the reward is great when I see that lots of people like and appreciate my music even if they are not all metal fans.

Could you share any memorable moments or anecdotes from the recording or production process of “Captain Hawk”?

We had a lot of funny moments when we were shooting the videos with the costumes and the treasures and all the props. I thought the guys would kill me asking them to wear leather coats in mid-August. But in the end I think we all enjoyed it very much. Maybe I’ll make a behind the scenes video soon.

How do you envision the live performance of “Captain Hawk”? Are there any plans for future live performances?

We’re talking about it. A lot has to be planned because it involves a big number of people and the choir but we all want it and I believe we’ll make it happen!

Send your message to the listeners!

Be like Captain Hawk! Know when to act. Know when to wait. And no matter what happens don’t give up until you achieve your goal. Thank you very much!

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