by MythofRock

Meden Agan has recently released one of the best metal records of the year! “My Name is Katherine” is a brilliant concept album, eagerly awaiting discovery. Myth of Rock is truly excited about this significant step for Meden Agan and can’t stop listening to the record. A few days ago, we had a fascinating conversation with the band members, and here is what was discussed.

by Dimitris Zacharopoulos

When was the material for the “My Name is Katherine” album composed? Who were the composers? How did you compose these new songs?

The composition for this album started during and after covid, we took our time to bring our vision to life, we didn’t rush the completion of the songs, we compose as always, meaning we all contribute to the songs. Regarding the lyrics everything was written by Dimitra – our vocalist -, as for the music, it’s the usual procedure, you start with a riff, a melody or even an idea and then everything starts to take shape.

Where was the album recorded? Who did the production? The mixing and the mastering?

The album was recorded and mixed here in Greece in Zero Gravity Studios by Terry Nikas, the mastering was done at Fascination Street studios by Jens Bogren.

Where would you trace the differences between the new album and your previous one? How much have you progressed as a band? Would you say this new album is your most mature to date?

The core elements of our music I think are present in every Meden Agan album, but every time we try to push it further, push ourselves further. We want every album to have its own identity, as you constantly evolve as a person year after year so does your music. I know this answer comes out as a cliché but honestly we believe that this album is our most technical, fast and mature yet.

How would you describe the music style of Meden Agan now? Which are the trademarks of your current sound?

If I had to describe our music to someone· is that we play, Melodic metal with power metal elements at its core, but everything is with a more modern approach. Our trademarks are heavy and melodic riffs, fast guitar solos, keyboards front and center and of course the powerful voice of Dimitra.

 The lyrics of the new album are based on the homonymous short novel by Dimitra. Can you tell us the concept of the album in few words?

“My Name is Katherine” is our first concept album, an original story written by our vocalist Dimitra. The main theme(s) is about torment, guilt, psychological trauma, inner demons that lurk and need to be tamed. The story is dark and deals with a lot of issues that they can be translated differently from every reader. After finishing the story everyone should have a different opinion about who Katherine is, did she found salvation at the end or only torment, that’s for you to decide.

When did Dimitra write the novel? Has she written any other books? The lyrics of the new album are all written by Dimitra?

Yes, it’s her first attempt for a book/novel. The first idea came to Dimitra when we were at Tel Aviv supporting Epica back in 2019. We really liked the idea, and we supported her from the beginning, the novel was written together with the composition of the album and yes everything regarding the story/lyrics were written by Dimitra.

The protagonists of the new album are Dimitra’s vocals and the guitar of Diman, in my opinion. Do you agree with me? Why?

I think that every instrument has it’s time to shine in this album, vocals, guitars, bass, drums, keyboards. For example, when it’s time for a guitar solo, is all about the guitar in that section etc. We don’t write songs only with guitars and vocals in mind, we try and find what suits every song best and go for it.

Tell us about the beautiful album cover!

We are very proud for the album cover and the overall artwork, everything is done by the amazing artist Dimitris Tzortzis and our model is Foteini Vasiliadou.

Describe the atmosphere of the new album. Would you say it has a dark atmosphere?

The overall atmosphere of the album is indeed dark, keyboards and lyrics also contribute a lot in this atmosphere. Maybe it has to do with the overall theme of the album that we subconsciously wrote something with darker melodies.

How do you make decisions as a band? Do you act democratically as a band?

As you exactly said, we are a band and not one man show/project and that means that decisions are discussed within the band. We act democratically with the sole purpose that every decision is the best for the band.

How do you see things for the Greek melodic power/prog metal scene in the year 2024?

The Greek scene right now is alive and kicking and has progressed a lot in these last years, we have a lot bands that is worth checking out, the only thing that is needed is support and faith from fans and record labels etc.

How are you going to promote the new album? Any tour?

We have booked a couple of show here in Greece for the summer, we are playing in Crete at Rethymno Rocks, Kavala, Volos and Thessaloniki to name a few. We are also in talks for some live show is festivals and a small tour outside of Greece but I can’t say much ata this time, stay tuned for announcements.

If you could collaborate with a famous musician in a song of yours, who would he/she be?

That’s a tough question, just to name a few, guitar wise I would really like a collab with Gus G, Michael Romero, John Petrucci. With vocalists we would really like to collab with Floor Jansen, Simone Simons, Roy Khan. And this is where I stop because I can continue forever.

How did the pandemic and the lockdowns affect Meden Agan?

During the pandemic we tried to keep our selves busy with the creation of the new album, we had a lot of time to compose and not rush it. The downside, besides the ones that we all had to deal with that situation, was not being able to perform live shows.

Send your message to the fans.

First of all we want to thank everyone for the support in Meden Agan and for the positive feedback on our newest album. And we are happy to announce that at the 30th of November you are all invited to our album release party/live show, come and celebrate with us in this special live show.





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